Become a member

Great that you want to join our community! Here is a short set of questions for us to get to know you.
If you are applying as a freelance cultural operator (physical person), you can disregard the questions that don’t apply to you.

Logo of your organisation :
in JPEG, PNG, PDF file format
Brief overview of your organization:
Links to other communication channels
Contact person for the Folkway staff and other members
Head of the organisation (if different)
Audiences addressed

Use of personal details The data you provided us with will be used to assess your membership application and, if accepted, to illustrate your profile on our website. If your membership application is not approved, the data will be deleted within 30 days. If your application is approved, your personal contact details will be disclosed to other members. Please check our privacy policy for more information on data collection and use, and contact us if you need more information: 
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